Nutrition Value, Benefits and Tips using of Black Pepper

Black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices worldwide. Known as the ‘king of spices’, it forms a significant part of a large number of cuisines all over the world, used in cooking as well as garnishing.

Concealing a trade history of 4000 years, this spice was once one of the most globally traded commodities. Also, used as a currency in the Middle East, Black pepper is always known as more than just a humble household ingredient. 

Black pepper powder, that comes with a mildly spicy flavour, is made by grinding peppercorns, obtained from the plant Piper nigrum. Since ancient times, black pepper has been considered to have essential health benefits.

Therefore, in addition to adding flavour to foods, black pepper has wide-ranging beneficial properties for health. It fights cancer, is an antioxidant, relieves cough and cold, treats skin problems, enhances weight loss efforts, etc.

Let's learn more about Black Peppe: Nutrition Value, Benefits and Tips for using in this post

Nutritional Value Of Black Pepper

Black pepper has about 304 calories per 100 gm of weight. We can call it a ‘superfood’ as it is a rich source of a large number of nutrients. Below is a detailed account of the nutritional facts of black pepper.

The table below shows the amount of nutrients in a teaspoon of ground black pepper, weighing in at 2.3 grams (g)



Energy in calories


Protein, grams (g)


Carbohydrates (g)


Fiber (g)


Sugars (g)


Calcium (mg)


Iron (mg)


Magnesium (mg)


Phosphorus (mg)


Potassium (mg)


Sodium (mg)


Zinc (mg)


Manganese (mg)


Selenium (mcg)


Fluoride (mcg)


Niacin (mg)


Folate (mcg)


Betaine (mg)


Beta carotene (mcg)


Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg)


Vitamin E (mg)


Vitamin K (mcg)


Vitamin A (mcg retinol activity equivalents)


Health Benefits of Black Pepper

1. Improves Digestive Health

Black pepper stimulates the digestive juices and enzymes, thereby promoting digestion. This holds true when you consume black pepper, especially with a meal, which might enhance your body’s ability to break down and digest food. Research has shown that black pepper has a positive effect on pancreatic enzymes too, benefiting the overall digestive process. Black pepper also has carminative properties and helps relieve stomach gas. It can also relieve flatulence and colicky pain. Replacing chili powder in your meals with black pepper can treat flatulence.

Black pepper also has carminative properties and helps relieve stomach gas. It can also relieve flatulence and colicky pain

2. Black Pepper Relieves Cold And Cough

Cold and cough are one of the most common respiratory problems that affect all of us.

Black pepper is a major component of Ayurvedic medicines that have been used for as long as a cure for these problems. These medicines provide relief from nasal congestion and help in the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, for a faster recovery.

Black pepper can be added to green tea, or with lukewarm water along with turmeric. Old Ayurveda remedy for cold and cough – Black pepper, a pinch of turmeric, 2-3 drops of honey – mix well and consume with lukewarm water.

This concoction is extremely healthy and the antimicrobial potential and gastro-protective modules present in black pepper are also known to be an immunity booster. 

3. Black Pepper Benefits Your Brain

Black pepper has great effects on brain health. The piperine in the pepper inhibits one enzyme that breaks down serotonin, the calming neurotransmitter. This enzyme also degrades the functioning of another hormone called melatonin – which regulates the sleep/wake cycle.

Piperine also has its importance in Parkinson’s disease. It inhibits another type of enzyme that disrupts the production of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. Dopamine is usually deficient in patients with Parkinson’s, and ingesting black pepper can ease the symptoms. Similar effects can be observed in the case of depression too.

Black pepper can also delay brain aging and help prevent Alzheimer’s. And it can also enhance the nerve activity in the brain, thereby perhaps alleviating seizures. It also protects the nerve cells and prevents early cell death. Moreover, it also has shown beneficial effects in stroke patients.

As per another Indian study, piperine in black pepper can decrease the formation of amyloid plaque and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.  

4. Prevents Any Sort of Cancer

Black pepper is said to prevent cancer when it is mixed with turmeric. This can be consumed in the form of milk by mixing turmeric and black pepper. This drink is usually given to individuals suffering from a severe cold. It is said to consist of antioxidants, vitamin A and carotenoids that help in curing cancer and other deadly diseases. Also, this must be added to most of your daily diet as it is the best way you can stay fit naturally.

5. Good for Digestion

Black pepper helps in good digestion and when it is consumed raw, hydrochloric acid is released by the stomach and helps in breaking down the proteins. Hydrochloric acid helps in cleaning your intestines and barricading you from other gastrointestinal diseases. So don’t forget to add a pinch of black pepper to all of your food.

6. Prevents Constipation

If you have less than three stools a week, then you may be suffering from constipation. However, this problem can be solved by adding some pepper to your food daily. Sometimes when you may be suffering from constipation, you may end up straining to pass stools or sometimes you may not feel empty even after passing stools.

Thus, black pepper curbs colon cancer, constipation, diarrhoea and other types of bacterial types of diseases if consumed daily. Excessive consumption can be harmful to you, so make sure you just add a pinch of it to your daily food.

7. Treats Skin Problems

The ‘King of Spices’ is said to prevent skin pigmentation (Vitiligo). This condition makes your skin appear white and this is also called white patches. Though there are many medicines available in the market to restore your skin colour, black pepper protects your skin from any sort of skin pigmentation and helps maintain the original colour of your skin. Wrinkles and skin problems are curbed if you consume black pepper from a very young age. It also prevents premature ageing and dark spots too.

Consuming this spice in the raw or cooked form is good enough for your daily diet that will benefit your body and most importantly rejuvenate your skin. If you are suffering from acne, then you need to try black pepper as this will help your skin flush away the intoxicants in it and smoothen it. All you need to do is to crush some black pepper and apply it over your skin and you will find the difference.

8. Good for Your Hair

In order to treat dandruff, black pepper is said to be good. All you need to do is to add some crushed black pepper with some curd and add it to your scalp and let it dry for a minimum of 30 minutes. Also, make sure that you do not use excess black pepper as this can result in the burning of your scalp. Make sure that you do not use shampoo for the next 24 hours after applying black pepper to your hair as this may cause side effects. You can also add lime to the crushed black pepper and apply it to your scalp and then wash it after 30 minutes. This will make your hair shiny and smooth.

9. Aids in Weight Loss

The wonder spice helps you lose weight and this can be added to green tea and consumed two to three times a day. This is because this spice has a rich content of phytonutrients that helps in breaking down excess fat. This also improves your bodies metabolism. Green tea plus a pinch of black pepper in it can help you lose weight. This needs to be added to your everyday diet.

10. Treats Depression

Depression is said to be one of the most common problems faced by most people worldwide and this can even lead a person to death. However, there are medicines that can curb this mental problem from being devastating, however, raw black pepper can be given to depressed people to chew and this will change the mood of the person.

This happens due to the fact that chewing raw black pepper releases mood-inducing chemicals to the brain that will keep your mind calm and soothing all the time. However, this must not be done in excess as there will be consequences for the same.

11. Helps in Treating Respiratory Diseases

Cold and cough are said to be normal respiratory problems that can be cured by consuming black pepper. Simply just add a pinch of black pepper to some green tea and you’ll see the difference. Also, you can use a glass of milk and add a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of turmeric to it and consume it hot. This has no side effects.

During winter, adding a little bit of pepper to all your dishes can help you stay healthy and prevent yourself from different diseases. Black pepper mixed with some honey can also help you prevent chest congestion. Adding black pepper to some warm water along with some eucalyptus oil in it and inhaling the steam is a simple remedy for getting rid of chest congestion.

12. Reduces Joint Pain

If you are suffering from joint pain arthritis, you don’t have to be worried because pepper has medical properties that can help you solve this problem. It also helps in preventing gout. It is also used for people suffering from spinal and joint pain. Today, black pepper is used in many cuisines as a global spice. Black pepper’s most powerful impact is when a person with a cold and cough consumes it.

13. Detoxifies Your Body

This spice helps you sweat and urinate a lot and by this, you discharge all toxins from your body. Sweating and constantly urinating is a good sign that your body is functioning well. Also, you need to think about how you need to burn fat physically, rather than only consuming black pepper. Some people believe that black pepper can be only consumed and it will help them lose weight. But you may be wrong if you only concentrate on consuming it rather than following some simple exercises such as walking and jogging. Always keep in mind that if you want to lose weight, the result lies in following a healthy diet and exercising at the same time. If you follow this, you will witness the results in a few mocking.

Currently, this spice has been added to almost all dishes because it brings in a sharp and spicy flavour to your dish. It is originally found in India and this spice was first valued when it was traded from Asia to Europe.

14. Anti-inflammatory properties 

For many chronic or long-term conditions such as cancer, heart conditions, diabetes, asthma and so on, inflammation is a key underlying issue. Many studies have suggested that the active compound piperine in black pepper fights off inflammation effectively. 

15. Improves Blood Sugar 

Black pepper is useful in controlling the sugar level in patients with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is caused when the pancreas in our body is not able to produce enough insulin or when the body stops reacting adequately to otherwise normal levels of insulin.

For this, nutritionists often claim that adding black pepper to your diet can help lower the risk of high blood sugar. Black pepper’s antioxidant properties help to stabilize blood sugar, while also boosting the digestive tract’s health. In addition to this, black pepper helps to fight obesity, which is also one of the major contributing factors of diabetes.

16. Black Pepper Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels

Congestive heart failure is one of the most common diseases and is a leading cause of death worldwide.

High blood cholesterol and hypertension are the most common causes of this disease. Studies have suggested that black pepper can lower the levels of blood cholesterol.

Piperine in black pepper helps reduce cholesterol uptake, reduces the levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL- Low-density lipoprotein) while simultaneously increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL- High-density lipoprotein).

It is proved that dietary intake of black pepper has shown a positive effect on lipid regulation. 

Tips for Using Black Pepper in Cooking

Black pepper is generally considered safe in cooking and as a supplement but may significantly increase the absorption of some drugs and should be used with caution in these cases. For most people, spicing up your diet with black pepper is an easy way to add flavor to your meals and reap some health benefits. May it be hot or cold, this spice can be sprinkled over these dishes to spice it up. Here are some simple tips for adding black pepper to your daily cooking.

  • Black pepper can be added to salads by sprinkling a pinch of salt on them.
  • Add some black pepper while frying an omelette.
  • You can add some black pepper to soups, sauces, steak and Bacon, fish and meat.
  • You can add it to some of the hamburgers and sausages.
  • Add some black pepper to strawberries and pineapple and taste it.
  • You can also add some black pepper to mashed potatoes.
  • You can add black pepper to your diet in several ways.
  • You can also add a dash of black pepper to scrambled eggs, avocado toast, fruit, and dipping sauces for a spicy kick.

To prepare a marinade using the spice, combine 1/4 cup (60 ml) of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a bit of your other favorite seasonings. Brush this marinade over fish, meat, or vegetables before cooking for a flavorful dish.

When stored in a cool, dry place, the shelf life of black pepper is up to two to three years. Black pepper is one of the most popular spices in the world and may offer impressive health benefits. 

Dieu Phu is a company to manufacture, directly distribute wholesale and retail a variety of marinated spices, organic spices, pre-seasoned spices,... with all sizes and shapes

- Pepper : ground black pepper, granulated black pepper, granulated white pepper, ground white pepper 

- Salt: Chili powder, simmered salt

- Chili: ground chili,  

- Popular seasoning: Turmeric powder, onion powder, garlic powder , lemongrass powder, ginger powder, five spice powder, cinnamon powder, ...

- Special spices: cinnamon powder, star anise, cardamom, mac Khen seeds, colored cashews, cumin powder (siron)

- Gia ready-made seasoning: curry powder, braised beef seasoning, pho seasoning, Thai hot pot seasoning

Exported products at Dieu Phu include: black pepper seeds, white pepper seeds. Please contact hotline: +84903 686 866 for the best quote. Please use Dieu Phu Pepper to get delicious, nutritious and safe dishes for you and your family!
