Thank you for visiting the website operated by Dieu Phu Import Export Co., Ltd. We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. Please read the Consumer Personal Information Protection Policy below to better understand the commitments we make to respect and protect the rights of our visitors.

1. Our Commitment to Information Security

  • We respect your privacy and your choices.
  • We ensure that confidentiality and safety go hand in hand in everything we do.
  • We do not send you marketing communications, unless you have asked us to send them. You can change your mind about this at any time by contacting us directly via email: [email protected]
  • We never offer or sell information. of the Customer.
  • We are committed to keeping your information safe and secure, including committing to only dealing with trusted partners.
  • We are committed to being open and transparent about how we use your information.
  • We do not use your information in ways that have not been notified to you.
  • We respect your rights and always strive to meet your requests to the greatest extent possible, consistent with our legal and operational responsibilities.

2. Purpose and scope of collection

The main data collection on the company's website (if any) includes: full name, email, phone, address in the contact section. This is the information that the company needs you to provide when sending information for advice on products and for the company to contact and confirm with you on the website to ensure the interests of consumers.

You will be solely responsible for the security and storage of all service use activities under the information you provide and your email box. In addition, you are responsible for promptly informing the company's website about unauthorized use, abuse, breach of security, retention of registered names and passwords of third parties to take measures. suitable solution.

3. Scope of information use

The company uses the information you provide to:

  • Provide product information to you if there is a request from you.
  • Send marketing emails, promotions on goods sold by us when receiving requests from customers.
  • Send notices about the activities of the company website.
  • Contact and deal with customers in special cases.
  • Do not use your personal information other than for confirmation and contact purposes related to transactions at the company.

Exclusions: When there is a request from a judicial authority, including: Procuracy, court, police investigation agency related to your violation of certain laws.

4. Information storage time Your

personal data will be stored until requested by the administrator to cancel. In all cases your personal information will be kept confidential on the company's server.

5. Correction of personal data

You have the right to self-check, update, correct or cancel your personal information by contacting the website administrator of the company to do this by email dieuphupepper@ or via hotline: +84 903 686 866

You have the right to submit a complaint about the disclosure of personal information to the Management Board of the company's website. When receiving these feedbacks, the company will re-confirm the information. In case it is correct as reflected by the customer, depending on the extent, the company will take timely handling measures.
